Autor: Michael Swan
Editora: Oxford University Press
An alphabetical guide to the most common problems of grammar and vocabulary.
  • 370 short entries, arranged alphabetically, explaining problem points of grammar and vocabulary.
  • Simple explanations, written as far as possible in ordinary everyday English.
  • Numerous examples of correct usage and common mistakes.
  • Descriptions of formal and informal language.
  • A full index and cross-references between entries to help students find information quickly and easily.
  • British and American usage contrasted.
  • Also available in Pocket format.
Um guia dos mais comuns erros na gramatica. Um livro sobre gramatica basica, porém muito completo.
: 288
Nome do Arquivo: Basic English Usage- Oxford.pdf
Formato: PDF
Tamanho: 2.76 MB
Link: (Mediafire)

Autor: Jeffrey L. Seglin, Edward Coleman
Editora: AMACOM
"There's no reason to write a business letter from scratch when a better one exists already This authoritative book has everything busy professionals need to create effective business correspondence -- from style and grammar guidelines to hundreds of fully executed model letters and memos, plus new sections on business e-mail and more. The book also offers a refresher course in the letter-writing basics, including formatting and addressing letters, getting a point across, and avoiding common stumbling blocks. Puts powerful communication right at the reader's fingertips with an impressive array of ready-made, customizable letters for: * Sales, marketing, and public relations * Vendor and supplier issues * Credit and collections * Personnel matters * Every conceivable business situation-more than 365 letters in all "

Páginas: 540
Nome do Arquivo: Amacom The AMA Handbook of Business Letters.pdf
Formato: PDF
Tamanho: 1.76 MB
Link: (Mediafire)

Autor: Bill Mascull
Editora: Cambridge University Press
Business Vocabulary in Use is a new addition to the best-selling English Vocabulary in Use range. Primarily designed as a self-study reference and practice book, it can also be used for classroom work. The book covers a huge range of business topics including: jobs; people and organisations; production; marketing; finance and the economy, and business culture. Learners will develop essential business communication skills, focusing on the language used for meetings, negotiations and presentations. Key Features * 66 easy-to-use units: vocabulary items are presented and explained on left-hand pages with a range of practice exercises on right-hand pages. * Presents and explains new words in context and shows learners how to use them. * Contains a comprehensive, learner-friendly answer key. * Colour illustrations and photographs.

'Com uma grande quantidade de detalhes levando o estudante ao conhecimento sofisticado do Business English'. O conteudo é amplo e compreensivo. Uma linguagem bem atualizada e totalmente relevante para o atual mundo dos negocios. Cobrindo assuntos como: tópicos de e-mails, internet e e-commerce.

: 172
Nome do Arquivo: Business Vocabulary in Use (Cambridge Professional English).pdf
Formato: PDF
Tamanho: 3.75 MB
Link: (Mediafire)

Autor: Glenn Darragh
Editora: Stanley Publishing
This book is intended for Americans and Britons who want to understand each other better, and for foreign students of either American or British English who want to familiarise (or familiarize) themselves with the other main variety of the language. According to George Bernad Shaw, the United States and England are two great nations separated by a common tongue.

Este Livro é dirigido as diferencas do ingles Americano e Britanico. E usado para todos que
querem conhecer sobre as variedades do idioma.

: 128
Nome do Arquivo: Editorial Stanley Publishing A To Zed or A To Zee.pdf
Formato: PDF
Tamanho: 7.42 MB
Link: (Mediafire)

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