English Basic Usage

Autor: Michael Swan
Editora: Oxford University Press
An alphabetical guide to the most common problems of grammar and vocabulary.
  • 370 short entries, arranged alphabetically, explaining problem points of grammar and vocabulary.
  • Simple explanations, written as far as possible in ordinary everyday English.
  • Numerous examples of correct usage and common mistakes.
  • Descriptions of formal and informal language.
  • A full index and cross-references between entries to help students find information quickly and easily.
  • British and American usage contrasted.
  • Also available in Pocket format.
Um guia dos mais comuns erros na gramatica. Um livro sobre gramatica basica, porém muito completo.
: 288
Nome do Arquivo: Basic English Usage- Oxford.pdf
Formato: PDF
Tamanho: 2.76 MB
Link: (Mediafire) http://www.mediafire.com/?0yaud20zedg